
meatha feed

Where your cows beef comes

How it’s raised, what it’s fed, and how it was handled before you put it in your mouth is important.

Thailand has a real issue with beef being smuggled across it’s borders from India but packaged in Thai boxes. Many Thai cattle are not fed properly so they are very old when taken to be harvested for beef. They survive on only rice straw and roadside grass. Most male cattle used for beef in Thailand are not castrated which effects the beef quality and the way they are handled.

The absence of grain, minerals, salts, nutrition and age affect the beef quality.

When cattle are fed any food stuffs with animal proteins or fats mixed into the food they are susceptible to illnesses like Mad Cow disease and others. Cattle must be fed a balanced 100% vegetarian diet with grain to produce high quality beef. Knowing the local ranchers, making each other accountable, and testing our beef in the laboratory for nutritional data to prove it’s free from intoxicants/antibiotics/growth promotants of any kind.

If one of our member's lies and endangers our livestock or familie's health, we handle it ourselves. They won’t be members of any cattle association in Thailand anymore. That’s our truth.

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