He was imported by plane by Thai-Tex Cattle Exporters (our shipping company) www.facebook.com/thaitexcattle is still natural breeding in our herd today. We will be collecting semen soon if you want to preorder contact us.
Our world champion balck waygu. We bought this 2023 world champion from Khun Rung at RJ Farm here in Chaing Mai. He is the best Black Waygu we could find and we appreciate the opportunity to use him in the herd the last 2 years and no collect semen from him to sell to all the world!! Contact us for prices.
Whether you are a customer wanting to get the latest sales and promotions, a local rancher wanting to know if we share our genetics, or just a fan that likes to know what we are up to…..please leave your email address. We would love to have you join us at the next event!